Well that wasnt much of a break.. but the small 3 week break from paddy power poker was worth it, even if it was only to save me donking away on the omaha tables. Even though id said that i was looking forward to a break, i just couldnt saty away tbh. The break coincided with the pc dying on me, which meant without the daily fix of ppp, i had to venture into the fitz and the jackpot. Played a couple of tourneys, the fitz sat for the charity event was one that i went into half arsed, as the ILPC was happening on the saturday, so i figured if i managed to take a ticket id either have Troy play it or sell it. I got to the last 18 and was moved from the table that i had gotten very comy on, and thats when i got bored-itis. I called Dermots all in with 9c10c, for around a 3rd of my stack, he turned over 7h 7d, i was happy enough to be racing against sevens, the flop brought 3 diamonds, the turn was a 9, the river the 9 of diamonds. Couple of hands later the blinds are 800 1500,im bb, the sb raises to 3k, i look at one ace, and go all in. He dwells up for ages, and says "ah go on im ahead", and turns over k 7 off. My other card was a 5, and the lone k on the board means im now the short stack. Im down to 5kish and double up with 77. The next hand i find kjo, and shove my tenk in the middle. Dermot goes all in and the bb calls. Im miles behind Dermots AK and the bb AJ. Dermots K kicker holds up and im off to the omaha table. Im really going to have to find a cure for that bored-itis.
The ILPC was the next day, and having arrived home from the fitz at 9am, i had a quick brekkie and shower, and made my way to the hotel late. Sat down into a nice room, with 4 full tables. Recognised a couple of ladies ie sharks, and started to play probably too aggressive. Was all in 3 times beofre the first break, had AK, raised to 3 times bb, 4 callers. Flop was 4 6 8, was checked back to me and i inst-shove, hoping im repping aces. They did believe me, and one ladies folded 10s, another folded jacks. I showed my lone ace and said good fold girls. ^^. Managed a double up the last hand before the break when i checked called to the river and hit my gutshot. She showed middle pair. The rest of the hands were pretty meh, i went out on a7off on an ace high board. Sge had a 9 kicker with her ace. I didnt have to time to catch the fitz game, so went to a friends house, watched the rugby but fell asleep before the end. Ive enjoyed the half a break that ive had, its given me a chance to catch up with friends, sleep, housework! And of course the mammy side of me! Looking forward to the I O and easter. Maybe not playing any tourneys apart from the sat on the thurs, but cant wait to catch up with some poker pals and the bad beat stories!
3 months ago
welcome back trish,
Didn't get a chance to have a chat with you in the Fitz but did spot you at the omaha Cash table later on, hope it went well.
See you in Citywest next weekend. We'll have a drink or 3 lol
Good to see you blogging again! How did you do at the weekend?
Enjoy the Super Satt on Thursday! I'm in two minds about the Ladies side event on Sunday... 330 is a lot for such a loose game, with no Satts anywhere for it!
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