Sick game. Sick players.
I was sooo excited about playing this and when they put a 1k bounty on Marty Smyths head it just added to the excitement. I get a late seat after the Omaha filled up pretty sharpish, mainly as they didnt have enough chips for everyone, so when they announced the next two players to the cash desk gets seats in the Omaha, i snatched my chips from the 1 2 cash game and flung them at the poor girl saying "im here".
Sit down and the blinds are already 75 150, its a double chance game with 4k starting stack and 5k for your re-buy/top-up. Pretty nice for a €150 buy in. Theres already bigg-ish stacks on the table so i get to work. Five hands later ive doubled up, and its break time. I come back after the break and have 13k. Im playing pretty tight as its my first big Omaha tournament, and theres a couple of faces on the table i recognise that play the big game in the Fitz. But its not long before i have 6h 7d 9d 10c. I flat call it and it comes back around to the BB, who raises it to 500. I call it mostly out of boredom, and flop comes 8s 2d 6s. he pots it, i re-pot it and he goes all in for roughly half my stack. I know he's on a flush draw and stupidly call. He turns over 4c 5s 6c 7s, has straight flush draw. Now. This is where it gets messy. Dealer accidentaly burns dirt twice. I didnt see this happen as i was looking at the board and the chaps hand trying to work out what had to dodge. Out pops a red Q. Now another player did see it, and he straight away says hold up, you made a mistake, this is what should happen, and he takes the queen, picks up the two burned cards mixes them up and turns one of them over, which was a 4, then says to the dealer "deal on!". Eh, hang on a minute, what the f***? I obviously called Mick Locke, who was the director that day, and asked him to make a ruling, at the same time telling the player to shut up its up to him, whatever he says goes. Mick put the q, plus both burn cards back into the deck, shuffled it up and asked the dealer to deal from there. fair enough. Turn is a 2, river is a 4, giving him the straight and there goes half my stack.
Next hand right after this one and im fuming. Not at the dealer or ruling. But at the player who had nothing to do with the pot and didnt have the right to touch any of the cards that were out. So i barely looked at my hand and the french player beside me raises, i re-raise all in and another player goes all in. french player insta-calls and i turn over kh jh jc 7c. French player turns over q 9 9 8, other chap turns over a a k 10. All i remeber is the suit i had, and flop comes 4h 6h kd, im the only one with the heart draw, and so im hoping i hit, but turn is a blank, and so is the river. Aces hold up and im off home to bed, still pissed off. Apart from the heat in the room, the tournament was nicely run and next year ill get off my butt in time to get a ME ticket.
3 months ago